Technology for humans

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You've found the website for deadSimpleTech, a human-centric software engineering consultancy based in Kirikiriroa, New Zealand. We exist to help you make the lives of your customers better, using appropriate technology that works with people to achieve their goals and makes their lives better. We specialise in rescuing delayed or struggling projects, and our focus on education permeates everything we do, both in our professional development offerings and in our engineering practice.

Click the button above to book a free one-hour conversation with one of our consulting engineers, or scroll down to find out more about what we believe and the services we offer...

We believe...

… that technology should work for people

At its worst, technology has a bad habit of trampling on people, making their lives more difficult, more troubled and anxious or generally worse. At deadSimpleTech, we fight that tendency every day that we work. We choose appropriate technologies and use them to solve human problems, empowering you to make your life easier and your work better.

… in getting the simple things right

It's easy to get caught up in trends with tech. Whatever flavour-of-the-month software solution, system or social media platform is being pushed, if you get caught up in it without thought, you'll usually find that you don't have the fundamentals in place to use it well and get only marginal gains and a massive mess to untangle down the line. At deadSimpleTech, we're big on the fundamentals of tech: we'll help you build a solid foundation on which you can build the things that you want quickly, cleanly and without the agonising pain.

… in craft and artistry

Beauty and good design aren't luxuries: they're a sign that care and thought has been put into work. Even a database or a SQL query can be beautiful, and at deadSimpleTech, we will make them so. We put thought, care and craft into everything we do, so that you get a solution that's a delight to look at, work with and use - whatever the solution might be.

… That lived experience makes for better software

Our team has lived lives, not just had careers. We’ve made mistakes, worked in blue-collar jobs, struggled, dealt with social services and had experiences representative of the communities we work with. This means that we know how to write software that helps people, rather than, as is so often the case, making their lives harder.

… In transparency

At deadSimpleTech, we believe that we have an obligation to deliver code that works, for the price agreed on. The price that we quote you is the price you pay, regardless of how long the project takes or what’s involved in implementing it.

… In privacy

We believe that your data ought to be secure, private and controlled by the people who stand to lose the most from losing it. To this end, we’re experts in catering to data sovereignty considerations. We work with two cloud providers based in New Zealand and the Netherlands, guaranteeing either data sovereignty and Te Tiriti o Waitangi coverage with good privacy guarantees, or the absolute state of the art in privacy.